【利物浦】Capital Gate,Myrtle Court,The Railyard 支付最新事项

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Dear Student,


Changes to the management of your new property


We are writing to let you know that from 10th April 2017 the management of Lady Buchanan View will transfer from Unite Students to Derwent Students.


Don’t worry though - this change should not have any impact on your day to day experience and there should be no change to the service you were expecting to receive. Unite Students and Derwent Students are working closely together to make sure that we make this switch as smooth as possible for you.

我们写这封信就是想要正式的通知你,从2017年4月10号开始, 利物浦的Capital gate,The railyard and The Myrtle court的运营商将从 Unite Students 变更到Derwent Students。


不用担心,这样的变化不会对你的入住体验有任何影响,也不会跟你所期望的有很大差别。Unite Students 将会联手Derwent Students尽最大努力使这次变更方便,快捷。


Your Customer Service Information:


From 10th April 2017, Derwent Students will be available to answer any questions you may have about your new home. You will be able to contact the onsite service team on 0141 333 1372. An outside of office hour’s number will be confirmed on April 10th and will be communicated to you directly by Derwent Students. In the meantime if you have any queries please chat to a member of the onsite team.


Any ongoing maintenance requests or ongoing transactions will be managed by Derwent Students. In addition your deposit will remain protected and will be transferred to Derwent Students along with information on inspections of your flat that we’ve completed.



从2017年4月10号开始, Derwent Students将会解答所有关于你新家的问题。通过拨打 0141 333 1372 你可以找到公寓服务团队。一个非工作时间的电话也将会在4月10 号被确认,Derwent Students 将会通过这个电话联系你。 在这期间,如果你有任何问题,你也可以拨打电话与公寓工作人员取得联系。


任何正在进行的维护或者是钱款的交易都由Derwent Students全权负责。你的押金将会被保护并且将和我们完成的所有巡视,检验的信息转移到Derwent Students。


Your Legal and Account Information:


Your tenancy agreement with Unite Students, including all of its terms and conditions, will remain unchanged and will be transferred to Derwent Students on 10th April 2017. Your deposit will also be transferred and will continue to be protected under the tenancy deposit scheme.

Any rent payments that you already have on your account with Unite will be automatically transferred to Derwent Students. We will also ensure that any direct debits, or continuous card recurring authority payments, you may have with Unite Students are cancelled. However, as a precaution we advise that you also cancel these instructions with your bank or card provider.


All outstanding balances and any future payments will need to be paid to Derwent Students. The onsite team will be able to help you set this up.


We wish you all the best with settling into your new home and for the coming academic year!


The Unite Students team and Derwent Students teams



从2017年4月10号开始,你与Unite Students签订的租期合同,这其中包括所有的条款和条约,将不会发生任何变化并且转移到Derwent Students。你的押金将会被转移到并在法律机制下被保护。


任何与租金相关费用和付款将会被自动的转移到Derwent Students。我们会确保任何可能与我们有关的直接扣款,或者CCRA银行授权扣款将会被取消。但是以防万一,我们还是建议你联系你的银行再次取消这些操作。


所有的未付款或者预期付款,将会被转移到Derwent Students。 公寓工作人员将会帮助你完成这一系列的操作。


愿你们在新的学期在新家安顿, 请接受我们最诚挚的祝愿。

 The Unite Students 团队

Derwent Students 团队



1. 房租支付时间




Myrtle court



Capital gate 



a. 一定提前10个工作日进行打款。

b. 尽量选择中国银行之外的银行打款,比如工商银行,农业银行,建设银行等。

b. 最重要,最重要,最重要,同学们一定要在汇款的时候写上自己的姓名和ID,如果知道自己房间号的,一定写上房间号。 姓名是必须必须要写在汇款栏的备注里。

2. 请根据合同中的银行账号支付款项

3. 如有其他问题,欢迎咨询英国租房君