9月10日 | 昨日死亡8人确诊2659人!伯明翰确诊数居高不下,恐将封城!英国留学生要了解的疫情信息(日报)

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  • 昨日新冠死亡人数8,确诊感染人数2659人

  • 昨日新增人数:伯明翰(新增145人)、格拉斯哥(新增43人)、利兹(新增69人)、利物浦(新增43)、伦敦(新增315人)、曼城(新增39人)、谢菲尔德(新增31人)

  • Matt将限制谁可以做新冠检测

  • 英国政府给出了详细的本月计划,什么可以做、什么即将做

  • 伯明翰持续确诊人数爆表,恐将成为下一个封城的城市

9月10日 疫情数据

*新的计算方式New rules mean deaths anywhere in the UK are included in the coronavirus total only if they occurred within 28 days of a positive test






9月10日 英国主要留学生密集城市确诊人数



Bath 巴斯
445 (+6)
Belfast 贝尔法斯特
1983 (+19) 增长明显
Birmingham 伯明翰
7495 (+145) 增长明显
Brighton 布莱顿
925 (+6) 
Bristol 布里斯托
1592 (+16) 增长明显
Cambridge 剑桥
416 (+2)
Cardiff 卡迪夫
2575 (+13) 增长明显
Coventry 考文垂
1806 (+21) 增长明显 
Durham 杜伦
3709 (+35) 增长明显
City Edinburgh 爱丁堡
1999 (+16) 增长明显
Glasgow City 格拉斯哥

3246 (+43) 增长明显

Leeds 利兹
5090 (+69) 增长明显
Leicester 莱斯特
5953 (+34)  增长明显
Liverpool 利物浦
3158 (+43) 增长明显
London 伦敦
41765 (+315) 增长明显
Manchester 曼彻斯特
4726 (+39) 增长明显
Newcastle 纽卡斯尔
1867 (+28) 增长明显
Nottingham 诺丁汉
1462 (+20) 增长明显
Oxford 牛津
1060 (+2) 
Plymouth 普利茅斯
781 (+11) 增长明显
Reading 雷丁
895  (+5) 
Sheffield 谢菲尔德
4919 (+31) 增长明显
Southampton 南安普顿
1038 (+6)
Swansea 斯旺西
1416  (+8)
York 约克
1000 (+1)


9月10日 伦敦主要学生区域确诊人数

London 伦敦(总数)
41765 (+315) 增长明显
Kingston upon Thames金斯顿大学
859 (+3) 
CamdenUCL, Birkbeck, SOAS, 中央圣马丁874 (+6) 
1375 (+10) 增长明显 
1902 (+11) 增长明显 
Hounslow西伦敦大学1385 (+25) 增长明显 
Kensington and Chelsea帝国理工
746 (+6) 
1017 (+11) 增长明显 
Hackney and City of LondonKCL, 伦敦政经
1247 (+8) 
Hammersmith and FulhamQueen Mary
976 (+11) 增长明显 
1667 (+14) 增长明显
717 (+10) 增长明显
1711 (+12) 增长明显

9月4日 R值:0.9-1.1



 "R"值 病毒的再生值是国际医疗界用来监测病毒转播速度的一个数值。再生值越高,病毒传播速度越快。当病毒再生值在1以上时,病毒的传播速度会成几何状增长。当再生值小于1时,病毒的传播则会越来越少,最后逐渐消失。





  • Matt说将考虑设置检测人员的门槛,不是每个人都可以做检测了


  • 英国政府9月9月发布的新规定改变

The government has announced new measures to suppress the virus and keep the number of infections down:

  • From Monday 14 September, you must not meet with people from other households socially in groups of more than 6(9月14日起,6人以上不能聚会). This will apply indoors and outdoors, including in private homes. This change will simplify and clarify the rules on social gatherings, so they are easier to understand and easier for the police to enforce. There will be a limited number of exemptions. COVID-19 Secure venues, such as places of worship, restaurants and hospitality venues, can still host larger numbers in total but groups of up to 6 must not mix or form larger groups. This rule will not apply to individual households or support bubbles of more than 6 who will still be able to gather together. Education and work settings are unaffected, and organised team sports will still be able to proceed, as will weddings and funerals up to 30. From Monday, this limit will be enforceable in law. See refreshed guidance on social contact, including the exceptions to the 6 person limit

  • Businesses will have a clear duty to support NHS Test and Trace. (企业将有责任支持NHS的test and trace,并且保留访客信息21天)From 18 September, it will be mandatory for certain businesses to have a system to collect NHS Test and Trace data, and keep this for 21 days. Core COVID-19 Secure requirements will be mandated for hospitality businesses, and egregious breaches enforced. The government has also published simplified COVID-19 Secure guidance.

  • The government will support Local Authorities and police forces to respond to breaches of COVID-19 Secure guidelines. (政府将授权给地方部分与警察去管违反疫情要求的人)We will launch a register of newly qualified and recently retired Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) so that Local Authorities can recruit more quickly and fill any gaps. In addition, we will introduce COVID-19 Secure Marshals to help local authorities support social distancing in towns and city centres.

  • The government will take steps to improve compliance with border requirements. (加强管制入境要求)We will simplify the Passenger Locator Form needed for travelling to the UK, and take measures to ensure passengers have filled out their form before departure. Border Force will step up and target their enforcement efforts at the border to ensure arrivals are complying with the rules.

  • The government will review plans to pilot larger audiences in venues this month. (政府将做室内试点活动)Planned sports pilot events will be limited to smaller, safer numbers, with strict conditions to ensure social distancing, and will not take place in areas where incidence is high. We will review our intention to return audiences to stadia and conference centres from 1 October.

  • The government will restrict the opening hours of premises, initially in local lockdown areas, with the option of national action in the future. (严格控制封城区域的经营时间)This has been introduced in Bolton, following a steep rise in cases, and will seek to restrict activities that may lead to a spread in the virus.


  • 新工具有可能可以帮助英国医生快速的检测新冠高风险病人


  • 伯明翰感染率翻倍,有可能成为下一个封城的城市







